
Monday, 11 December 2017

Today Mr Patterson came again with a guest his name was Rainen
( a year 10 student) he talked to us about his first year in Tamaki.
He did an interview of him stepping through the gates on his first days.
He respond was that he was nervous as he saw other student
but he got through it very well and also got use to it.
The thing I liked about it was that he improved in his learning all the way
through until now.

He interviewed him on his learning and his future and what he is going to become.
He told us that he wants to become a policeman. Mr patterson ask him so
many other questions he than showed us a video about a boy manurewa high
school. He did a speech about learning so much and putting so many effort in it.

I think this talked was very helpful to most of us today and that they
could use it and could take and use it at their learning.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Film Festavil

FIlm festival.

How do you entertain the audience, do you just talk to them? Do you just give a speech? Or do you just say the words and then just walk off the stage. NO, just read through and take some tips and use it.

If a person stands up to give a speech to start the movie you will need a good voice and make your words more clearly note also that but you have to stand tall and confident not fiddling around with your hair or your clothes. You can entertain them with some hilarious funny stories and if you make them laugh they can look forward to listen to what your saying. Another way to entertain the audience when giving a speech in not only talking but doing some dance moves that relates to what your saying.

If you want to entertain your audience,  you will have to get their attention by making eye contact and not also that but you have show respect to them so they can listen to you. If you see them getting bored or trying to sleep try asking some question or letting them talk or make them stand up and do some exercise.  

Two weeks ago our school went to the hoyts in sylvia park to watch our manaiakalani films, we shared have of the hoyts with a different school. The movies were showed on the huge screen many before a movie starts there should be a presenters standing in the front holding a microphone. They said a speech that relates to the movie, they wasn't even shy or nervous, but they were confident and hey said the words with xpressions. All the movie went well and so as the speech people.

Many movies from us and from other schools were amazing to watch and to listen to. My favourite movie was “Journey to awesomeness” filmed by the sevens people I liked it because some of the words was never give up and that many pt england students went to the seven and won. THE END

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Achieving our personal best

Have you ever thrown a shot put 14 meters?  Come first in sprints? Have you ever come first at anything? Have you achieved your personal best in athletics?

Achieving your personal best is the best time or score achieved by an individual in a particular event, for example, I came 3rd in the relays breaking my own personal best.  In athletics there was so many sports to participate in last Friday. We did discus, javelin, soft ball, volleyball, shot put, tug of war, high jump, sprint and relays. My favourite event was the 100 meter sprints because I achieve my personal best

We show our personal best in all of the sports by giving our best effort. We also encourage each other to try our best. We kept on trying even though we may want to give up at times. We use all of our strength to pull to throw and to run. We wanted to have a drink and a break but we kept on trying even though we were out under the sun for hours and hours.

At the athletics there were so many bright house colors filling the field and the courts and flags waving around and many sports going on. Sadly I came late and missed out on the first event which I think I could have come first in. Not only in the school grounds but also out on the Pt England reserve. I didn't have time to change into my house colors (Hikianalia) so I just jumped in (Te Aurere) the red team. It was fun running around changing from sport to sport. In every sport there was a first, a second, a third and a fourth place. Having a break once or twice wasn't enough for us to take a breath. But we did manage to get through and make it to the finals and the people that came first will compete against other schools.

I liked how we got through the day without giving up and letting other people down and letting them have a go at every sport. It was a good thing to do. I also liked how we cheered for other people. I liked it how we got through the day happy and safe.

Monday, 13 November 2017

Maths Problems

Personal best (Athletics)
Have you ever threw a shot put 14 meters?  Coming first in sprints? Have you ever came first at anything? Have you showed your personal best in athletics
1st idea
Achieving your personal best means doing your best in everything especially in athletics.  In athletics there so many sports to participate last week on Friday. We did discus, throwing spear, throw ball, volleyball, shot put, tug of war, high jump and sprint and after all these sports we did relays.
2nd idea
We showed our personal best in all of the sports by not giving up and we cept on trying even though we were tired we never gave up. We used up all of our strength to pull to throw and to run. We wanted to have a drink and a break but we cept on trying even though we sat under the sun for hours and hours.
athletic 3rd idea
Not also we showed our personal best but we showed support to each other, even though they are giving up we tried to push them to get through the whole day and letting them having a go.
I liked how we got through the day without giving up and letting other people down but pushing them at having a go at every sports. I also liked how we cheered for other people. And I like how we went through the day happy and safe.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Aspiration, Inspiration, Motivation.

Today Mr.Patterson first talked us out about our future and what we would like to become. He then showed us what A + I = M witch means aim for success. A=Aspiration, I = Inspiration, M = Motivation. Motivation means that you have to do something, he then told us the the other means of Motivate and that is Intrinsic. There are two things in Intrinsic and that is Intrinsic Within and extrinsic without. Intrinsic within means that you believe that you achieve your goals or other things and Extrinsic means that someone is encouraging you to do something. Inspiration means Inspire and that means someone is inspiring you to do or feel something. And finally Aspiration, Aspiration means like a hope or ambition of achieving something. And then he said that there was a boy name Villi and he helped out a man that lived on the streets for day because his family kicked him out and his marriage broke up, he had no job and no home. The boy saw the man and he gave him his lunch money and the boy basically gave his school money to the man for two weeks and one day the man was so pleased and they both walked together to his school and the told the school and gave them a shock and the boy had a golden certificate. The man then had a job and a home. Mr Patterson took the boy to wellington just for a payback for what he had done.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

What Labour Day actually celebrates.  
Title - What you will be explaining
Introduction - Tell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained.
Information - Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence
Conclusion - Final summarising statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained.

Labour day celebrates day
Labour day what is labour day? Is labour day celebrated because of the labour party?However I don't think so because labour day is celebrated because of the workers that worked so hard at eight hours.
1st idea
Labour day in 1840 samuel parnell fought  for the people that worked over 8 hours like 10 and 12 hours per day he tried to cut down the hours of working. New Zealand was one of the first country to have an 8 hour working day.
2nd idea
Labour day is a public holiday for schools, government offices, and many business and they are all closed. Labour day is celebrated every year on the Monday the 23rd of October, and it is also a chance to celebrate the workers right like the hours they work and the pay they get
3rd idea
Labour Day is a public holiday in New Zealand where it was once called a 'Eight Hour Demonstration Day' labour day is not the only public holiday there are other holidays such as Anzac, Boxing and and so much more
Lastly we should say thank you to carpenter samuel parnell for making an 8 hour working and helped out a lot to people that worked at 10 or more hours and to people that struggled a lot. And it is also good thing for the workers to have na break or a rest from working all day.

Thank you for reading my draft about labour day.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Writing Explanation

How to calm your little cousin.

If your little cousins is upset or crying because you took something from him or hid something just give it back to him. If he is still upset try buying him something like an Ice cream. The best thing to chill him is when you hear him crying try taking him for a ride or taking him to the shop or give him some money or giving him a hug or try playing with him outside the house. Little cousins are always crying and upset I think it's because they want something but you don't yet know. Little cousins are easy to get upset mostly when you go to a shop or anywhere else and they want something but you say no to it or it is to expensive and then all of a sudden they just cry and scream out loud when they do that buy something that is not expensive. That is some ways that you can calm your little cousins it doesn't have to be your little cousin but it can also be you little brother or sister.

How to be well organised for school each day.

Each day is school and we have to be organised for each day so that mean you have to get your school uniforms ready by checking that it has been washed up and it is been clean. Not only your uniforms but your socks and your shoes but mostly your lunch. If you are taking lunch make sure that you make it that night and wrap it up with a wrapper. Make sure you also got your school books and your pencils and pens. The most thing that you have to organised is you because you have to have a shower early in the morning or at that night and for the next day to school you will feel ready for school and won't forget things. Now that is some tips you can get ready for the next day.

Perspective and Opinins

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

It was the first day of term 4, school just started. But sadly I didn't make it because I was sick by having a sore through and flu so I had to got to the doctors. I wasn't also sick but I had to help out with the tree work because it was only my Uncle that cuts down the tree and takes the rubbish so I had to stay Yesterday and help out with rubbish it took so long because there were so many palm trees to be cut down. It was fun because it wasn't only me that didn't go school it was my cousin also. I was at Takanini because I went over for the holidays and my Uncle forgot to drop me off on Monday. We did
heaps and heaps of stuff but the best thing we did is watch television and learning and helping out with

the jobs but the thing that I didn't like was that we had to wake up early in the morning to get things ready for the day but we also get blessing for  that I got home and I got my things ready for school and also got prepared.
My goals for this Term is be kind to each other and use the right that comes out of my mouth. My other goal for this term is to help one another and study more and do more work and use my time wisely learning the thing that I don't yet know. I am going to try and listen and learn more things on my hardest subject and that is maths

I had fun over the holidays and I wish that there will be more holidays coming up.

The End.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

The Floundering Event.

Floundering Yum, Yum Today the School were going out to fishing and catching some Flounders. We were not catching them so we can eat them but we were catching them so we can save them buy putting them in the flounder tank so they can get bigger and stronger and then we can out them back in the ocean.

The day started with us meeting on netball courts while the flounder people went out o sea. We had Mr Bert talking to us for a short minutes and then the walking started while the year 1 leaded the way.

We walked a long way down Riverside road crossing road passing lots of houses forming a one straight long line. We got to the beach and we saw them with the nets catching flounders. We stood on the grass felling our sock and our shoes getting wet but worse the sun was shining and it was burning Mr Bert talked to us with a microphone witch assent loud enough. We did a himene and said a Karakia and then we sang a few songs and then we heed back h school and we sat in the street and Miss Telea talked to us and congratulate us on how great we were acting. The floundering came back and we saw the conainers and we also saw the flounders and they were so small. The End

Friday, 22 September 2017

the Manaiakalani film festavil

The Manaiakalani Curriculum

It was the manaiakalani film festival time and every class has to come up with there own movie. we already started ours and our movie is going to be so cool. the thing that I really like about the filming is that I was included and I was a witch I liked it because I had a hat, dress and a cool wig and  I really look cool there some other actors like Vinolia, Justus and Kyron. the thing that was hard when we were filming was that some of forgoted to bring there costume and some of us weren't here. when we we filming we went outside of school and filmed on the bushes near the lake with rocks. we came back to school and did the whole classes part. after a few days later they finally showed up and they got things sorted and ready. we seted the class up in the morning for Justus to do his part. After the filming Miss Ilaoa edit the movie and it looked so amazing because we were all working as a team. I just cant wait until we get to watch other movies I bet they are all cool.

Monday, 11 September 2017

I love doing maths and this was today's math work for warm up and I
 will like to do this again 
and it was so much fun and easy it took me second to do this
I hope you enjoy and please leave me a comment.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

This is the score I got in Rotation. This is so much fun and It helped me
with rotating the shapes in many ways. I got some of them wrong and that is good because I can learn from my mistake and I also got some of them right because  they were so easy for me

Monday, 28 August 2017

the speech comettion

the speech competition.

It was a fun day with the speeches ready as our top three from each literacy has to present there final speech to the team five. fifteenth people presented there speech, and one by one there name got picked out of the box.

some speeches was so interesting to me such as muba's speech. it was appealing to me because he did some action that made all of us laugh and giggle. and he also had a very good topic that if I was a president for one day he will made shelter for the poor and help out other people.

the most scariest topic that was delivered was Roimata's because she talked about the life of the Cook Island and how a women and a man lived happy as the women died but the spirit of the woman wondering around the Island killing people. and that every night a women and a baby crying and running down the hill that made people scared( I think ).

the most sades speech was Danielle because her topic was drugs is bad for your health and she talked about her nana taking drugs when she was a happy women and it was sad to hear that she past away because of the drugs and she had hospital problems such as operation and the ambulance not arriving fast enough.

It was fun hearing the speeches so I hope that these three amazing people make it to the finals which is in the hall and presenting on Friday. Good luck guys

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Immersion assembly(guardian of the galaxy

It's the morning on the first day of term 3 and we had a immersion assembly. Mr bert made a speech on welcoming back the school on the first day. On the stage there was team one starting of our assembly with a movie showing us about them travelling to space with there cars two by two. The first car went to the moon the other went to the sun and the other car went to the galaxy and they saw heaps of stars and an asteroid passing by.
The teachers wanted to stay there but back in point England the kids wanted their teacher back so the teachers had a thought again to come back to and read again to their class so they went back. The second group was team two and they also made a video of them going to space and they sang a song in space with instruments. Team 3 was talking about there live time in space they sang music, they dance to the music. They all had robot mask and they all dressed up as well. Mr marong wore a pink tites and a pink skirt with hair like Goldilocks. Team 4 was Mr summerville they were talking the energy in earth. The team went to places in the galaxy some people went to a place in the moon, the other one went to a world that had no oxidation and she died. The other one tried to lounge to space but the rocket wasn't made probably and he exploded. The most entertain item was team five they had instruments in their group and Miss Judd had to sing a song about in space they dressed up as stars. Miss Judd had a beautiful voice that the audience was so happy they cheered.

it term 3 and the whole school is learning about outside of our world like the galaxy, the moon, the sun and the stars. 

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

This work was the early finish. I did this because I managed to finish my work
. It was boring but the good thing is that I learnt something good.
Immersion assembly(guardian of the galaxy

It's the morning on the first day of term 3 and we had a immersion assembly. Mr bert made a speech on welcoming back the school on the first day. On the stage there was team one starting of our assembly with a movie showing us about them travelling to space with there cars two by two. The first car went to the moon the other went to the sun and the other car went to the galaxy and they saw heaps of stars and an asteroid passing by.
The teachers wanted to stay there but back in point England the kids wanted their teacher back so the teachers had a thought again to come back to and read again to their class so they went back. The second group was team two and they also made a video of them going to space and they sang a song in space with instruments. Team 3 was talking about there live time in space they sang music, they dance to the music. They all had robot mask and they all dressed up as well. Mr marong wore a pink tites and a pink skirt with hair like Goldilocks. Team 4 was Mr summerville they were talking the energy in earth. The team went to places in the galaxy some people went to a place in the moon, the other one went to a world that had no oxidation and she died. The other one tried to lounge to space but the rocket wasn't made probably and he exploded. The most entertain item was team five they had instruments in their group and Miss Judd had to sing a song about in space they dressed up as stars. Miss Judd had a beautiful voice that the audience was so happy they cheered.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017


statistics work was a easy work and it was also fun. It was fun because it was a bit challenging.
I love the work.

This is the work the Our group have been doing this week and the work was passed on the mean, median and the mode. And some of the questions was also about probability.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Title: Key Competency - Managing Self

Talofa Bloggers

Today our class is focusing on our Key Competencies. Our aim was to stay on task and see how much progress we make for maths in one maths block. This should set the standard for how much work we complete each time we have numeracy.

Our two learning intentions were:
WALT: 1. Show how much progress we can make in one maths session
2. Articulate what we are learning about.

Here is my maths work I completed today

Friday, 12 May 2017

Statistical Literacy

Here is my maths work for week 2. I had to read the Instructions on how to create
my own Pie Graph and the Bar Graph. I didn't get what it means but I
Finished my work.

Friday, 31 March 2017

Rena disaster - Summarising a text

Here is my reading from this week. We were learning how to Summarise a text. We did this by looking at the key words. Reading about the Rena disaster was interesting.

Friday, 17 March 2017

Our magnificent day at the Polyfest

Yesterday on a bursting sunny day we had a trip to the polyfest, there were different type of school there, there were school that were visiting and school that were performing. It was boring when we got there because we have to sit down on the grass for like 6 minutes. Soon there were our guides that were have to show us around in each store. We went to stores that were fun learning games. We had a bag full of things that are part of polyfest such as class, books, tattoos and so much more.

After there we visit the stores that is when we split up into our groups that we were chosen. Different groups were have to go with their teacher and our teacher was Miss Ilaoa. We went to other stores we visited games that you can win stuff ad take it home. The best part of our journey is when we visited the guns and the dance competition.

We visited the stages. There was different stages such as Maori, Samoa, Niue and so much more. We bought food so and walked our way to the singing competition and then we made our way to the bus and that was one of the best day of my life.

We had a great day At the polyfest especially the stages that the performance was happening and the games as well. We all had a great day and by the way we got sunburn.

Monday, 20 February 2017

New Blog

I have a blog of my own.