
Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Writing Explanation

How to calm your little cousin.

If your little cousins is upset or crying because you took something from him or hid something just give it back to him. If he is still upset try buying him something like an Ice cream. The best thing to chill him is when you hear him crying try taking him for a ride or taking him to the shop or give him some money or giving him a hug or try playing with him outside the house. Little cousins are always crying and upset I think it's because they want something but you don't yet know. Little cousins are easy to get upset mostly when you go to a shop or anywhere else and they want something but you say no to it or it is to expensive and then all of a sudden they just cry and scream out loud when they do that buy something that is not expensive. That is some ways that you can calm your little cousins it doesn't have to be your little cousin but it can also be you little brother or sister.

How to be well organised for school each day.

Each day is school and we have to be organised for each day so that mean you have to get your school uniforms ready by checking that it has been washed up and it is been clean. Not only your uniforms but your socks and your shoes but mostly your lunch. If you are taking lunch make sure that you make it that night and wrap it up with a wrapper. Make sure you also got your school books and your pencils and pens. The most thing that you have to organised is you because you have to have a shower early in the morning or at that night and for the next day to school you will feel ready for school and won't forget things. Now that is some tips you can get ready for the next day.

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