
Wednesday, 25 October 2017

What Labour Day actually celebrates.  
Title - What you will be explaining
Introduction - Tell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained.
Information - Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence
Conclusion - Final summarising statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained.

Labour day celebrates day
Labour day what is labour day? Is labour day celebrated because of the labour party?However I don't think so because labour day is celebrated because of the workers that worked so hard at eight hours.
1st idea
Labour day in 1840 samuel parnell fought  for the people that worked over 8 hours like 10 and 12 hours per day he tried to cut down the hours of working. New Zealand was one of the first country to have an 8 hour working day.
2nd idea
Labour day is a public holiday for schools, government offices, and many business and they are all closed. Labour day is celebrated every year on the Monday the 23rd of October, and it is also a chance to celebrate the workers right like the hours they work and the pay they get
3rd idea
Labour Day is a public holiday in New Zealand where it was once called a 'Eight Hour Demonstration Day' labour day is not the only public holiday there are other holidays such as Anzac, Boxing and and so much more
Lastly we should say thank you to carpenter samuel parnell for making an 8 hour working and helped out a lot to people that worked at 10 or more hours and to people that struggled a lot. And it is also good thing for the workers to have na break or a rest from working all day.

Thank you for reading my draft about labour day.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Writing Explanation

How to calm your little cousin.

If your little cousins is upset or crying because you took something from him or hid something just give it back to him. If he is still upset try buying him something like an Ice cream. The best thing to chill him is when you hear him crying try taking him for a ride or taking him to the shop or give him some money or giving him a hug or try playing with him outside the house. Little cousins are always crying and upset I think it's because they want something but you don't yet know. Little cousins are easy to get upset mostly when you go to a shop or anywhere else and they want something but you say no to it or it is to expensive and then all of a sudden they just cry and scream out loud when they do that buy something that is not expensive. That is some ways that you can calm your little cousins it doesn't have to be your little cousin but it can also be you little brother or sister.

How to be well organised for school each day.

Each day is school and we have to be organised for each day so that mean you have to get your school uniforms ready by checking that it has been washed up and it is been clean. Not only your uniforms but your socks and your shoes but mostly your lunch. If you are taking lunch make sure that you make it that night and wrap it up with a wrapper. Make sure you also got your school books and your pencils and pens. The most thing that you have to organised is you because you have to have a shower early in the morning or at that night and for the next day to school you will feel ready for school and won't forget things. Now that is some tips you can get ready for the next day.

Perspective and Opinins

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

It was the first day of term 4, school just started. But sadly I didn't make it because I was sick by having a sore through and flu so I had to got to the doctors. I wasn't also sick but I had to help out with the tree work because it was only my Uncle that cuts down the tree and takes the rubbish so I had to stay Yesterday and help out with rubbish it took so long because there were so many palm trees to be cut down. It was fun because it wasn't only me that didn't go school it was my cousin also. I was at Takanini because I went over for the holidays and my Uncle forgot to drop me off on Monday. We did
heaps and heaps of stuff but the best thing we did is watch television and learning and helping out with

the jobs but the thing that I didn't like was that we had to wake up early in the morning to get things ready for the day but we also get blessing for  that I got home and I got my things ready for school and also got prepared.
My goals for this Term is be kind to each other and use the right that comes out of my mouth. My other goal for this term is to help one another and study more and do more work and use my time wisely learning the thing that I don't yet know. I am going to try and listen and learn more things on my hardest subject and that is maths

I had fun over the holidays and I wish that there will be more holidays coming up.

The End.